Regent University Parking Services
Parking Services works with Regent University Police Department (RUPD) to enforce parking rules and regulations. If you have questions about parking permits and our policies and procedures, don’t hesitate to contact 757.352.4927 or parking@regent.edu.
All Regent University students are required to register their vehicles and motorcycles with Parking Services. Parking decals remain valid throughout enrollment at Regent University. Upon completing either of the forms provided below, you will receive an email notification instructing you to collect your new Regent Parking Decal.
All students residing in university housing who wish to have their vehicle on campus must have a Regent University parking decal displayed in the windshield of their vehicles. Parking in handicapped spaces without proper, displayed authorization is prohibited. The parking lot is for vehicles, motorcycles, and mopeds. Inoperable vehicles or vehicles with expired registrations or state inspections are not to be parked on the property and will be towed at the student’s expense.
Other important rules to observe:
- The speed limit on campus is 15 mph.
- Driving on the grass or sidewalks is prohibited in campus housing and will result in a $100 fine for each offense.
- Truck and trailer loading ramps must not touch grassed areas. (This rule has no exceptions, and violators will have their vehicles towed at their expense.)
- Washing cars in Regent parking lots is prohibited.
- Major vehicle repairs should not be conducted in the parking lot of the Commons or Village
- Parking in staff lots and numbered spots reserved for staff is prohibited, and vehicles in violation of this rule will be ticketed or towed at the student’s expense.
Vehicles may be left on campus overnight, on weekends, and for the duration of out-of-town travel with prior approval of Parking Services and Campus Police. All university patrons’ overnight parking needs must be registered with Parking Services for safety and security. Vehicles left on campus overnight without permission or Regent parking decals may be subject to ticketing or towing at Owner’s expense.
Vehicle owners requesting to leave their vehicle parked on campus overnight must meet the following criteria:
- Owner must be a faculty member, staff member, or campus housing student
- Vehicle must be registered with Regent University’s Parking Services
- Vehicle must have a Regent University Parking Decal displayed on their windshield or a temporary parking hangtag fastened to their mirror.
- Application for overnight/extended parking must be submitted a week before the date the vehicle will be left.
Guests visiting residents in Student Housing are permitted to park in any residential lot. They must abide by the General Campus Parking Policies . The hosting resident is responsible for their guests being aware of and following these guidelines. Failure to do abide by these rules may result in a fine, wheel clamp, or towing at the guest’s expense. Guests staying for more than three consecutive days on campus must obtain a temporary parking hangtag, and their vehicle must be parked in the Communications building next to the bridge. This should be requested by the resident through the Temporary Parking form below. Please allow up to a week for a decision to be reached and a response to be given. If the dates need to be extended for any reason, email parking@regent.edu as soon as possible to avoid any repercussions.
All Regent University faculty and staff are required to register their vehicles and motorcycles with Parking Services. Parking decals remain valid throughout employment by Regent University. Upon completing either of the forms provided below, you will receive an email notification instructing you to collect your new Regent Parking Decal. The decals can also be sent via interoffice mail upon request to parking@regent.edu.
For convenience, reserved parking spaces are available to full or part-time regular faculty and staff on a first-come, first-served basis for a cost. The reserved spots are enforced Monday-Friday between 6 a.m.-6 p.m.
Parking Services reserves the right to make all reserved parking spots available to the Regent community in the case of a large event on campus.
Available payment options include:
- Lump sum payable at the start of the academic year (cash, check or payroll deduction*)
- Monthly payroll deduction
Payroll authorization remains in effect until written cancellation is submitted by the 15th day of the month before the desired termination month. For those who split the purchase of a reserved parking space, fees will be adjusted based on each person’s salary. *Part-time employees are not eligible for payroll deductions and should submit payment to the Business Office by July 31st each year.
Annual Salary | Monthly Fee |
$40,000 and below | $25 |
$40,001-$60,000 | $34 |
$60,000-$80,000 | $43 |
$80,001 and above | $50 |
Note: Parking spaces may be sub-assigned at the space owner’s discretion if the space owner does not charge another employee for its use. Spaceholders who arrive on campus to find an unauthorized vehicle in their parking space during enforcement hours should contact Parking Services immediately at 757.352.4927.
Vehicles may be left on campus overnight, on weekends, and for the duration of out-of-town travel with prior approval of Parking Services and Campus Police. All university patrons’ overnight parking needs must be registered with Parking Services for safety and security. Please register with the Temporary Parking form below. Vehicles left on campus overnight without permission or Regent parking hangtags may be subject to ticketing or towing at Owner’s expense.
Vehicle owners requesting to leave their vehicle parked on campus overnight must meet the following criteria:
- Owner must be a faculty member, staff member, or campus housing student.
- Vehicle must be registered with Regent University’s Parking Services.
- Vehicle must have a Regent University Parking Decal displayed in their windshield.
- Application for overnight/extended parking must be submitted three business days before the date the vehicle will be left.
Please allow up to a week for a decision to be reached and a response to be given. Should the request be approved, the vehicle must be parked in the Communication Parking Lot as it is designated for visitor parking. View the campus map here. If you have questions or need to adjust your request for any reason, email parking@regent.edu.
Should a violation be issued while a vehicle is parked on campus after being approved by Parking Services, a Violation Appeal Form may be submitted within seven days of ticket issuance. Campus Police will review the Appeal Form and promptly notify the vehicle owner of its response. All decisions are final.
Special guest/event parking is available for Regent University’s hosted events and guests (e.g., chapel speakers, visiting professors, presenters). Guests must abide by the General Campus Parking Policies. The sponsoring school or department is responsible for their guests being aware of and following these guidelines. For approved requests, reserved signs on priority parking spots will be issued with guests’ or events’ names on them.
Lot availability is limited to the following:
- ADM/LIB (Administration Building/Library – 2 available)
- ADM Circle (Administration Building – 2 available)
- CHAP/DIV (Chapel/Divinity Building – 5 available)
- LIB LD (Library Loading Dock – 2 available) – only available for event set-up and deliveries
- RH (Robertson Hall – 12 available)
Due to the type of requests, Parking Services requires a minimum of one-week advance notice. Parking requests may not be honored without proper notice to Parking Services.
Visitors are expected to abide by the General Campus Parking Policies. The Communication Parking Lot (Lot L) is designated for visitor parking. View the campus map here.
Visitors do not need to obtain parking hangtags unless staying for more than three consecutive days on campus. They can be requested through the form below and upon completion, you will receive an email notification instructing you to collect your parking hangtag from the Student Services office (Dede Robertson Student Center Room 201) between 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, barring closure for University Chapel on Wednesdays from 12-1 p.m. Please allow up to a week for processing.
Temporary Parking Application
All Regent University faculty, staff, and students are required to register their vehicles and motorcycles with Parking Services. To do so, submit a General Campus Parking Application.
Parking decals are available free of charge through the application above. Decals remain valid throughout enrollment at or employment by Regent University. Upon completion of the application, you will receive an email notification instructing you to collect your new parking decal from the Student Services office (Dede Robertson Student Center Room 201) between 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, barring closure for University Chapel on Wednesdays from 12-1 p.m. Decals must be placed inside the windshield behind the rearview mirror out of the line of sight. Stickers are nontransferable.
Specific parking lots and spaces are designated for different permit types (e.g., student, staff, visitor). To avoid violations, please pay attention to the signage at the entrance of each lot to ensure you are parking in the appropriate area. Students must also refrain from parking in numbered staff spots at the risk of being fined or towed. Designated handicap-accessible parking spaces are available across campus for individuals with valid handicap permits. Unauthorized use of these spaces is strictly prohibited.
Bicycles must be parked in designated racks on campus that can be found on our campus map. They should not impede pedestrian pathways or access to buildings and bicycles left in unauthorized areas may be impounded.
Under certain circumstances, parking designations may change. The changes will be communicated through announcements and email. Regent University reserves the right to close a campus parking area temporarily.
Note: Posted signs replace any listed parking designation or map.
Regent University, CBN, and Founders Inn are not responsible for theft or damage to vehicles parked on the property or due to towing or clamping. Every effort should be made to secure all vehicles and belongings on campus. Theft and damage reports should be made to Campus Police at 757.226.2075.
Parking Services reserves the right to tow your vehicle if your vehicle is parked in an undesignated area, regardless of whether you have previously received a ticket.
The consequences of an offense may involve a ticket, wheel clamp, or tow. If a car is towed, the violator is responsible for the cost and the university violation fee. If you receive a clamp on your wheel or your vehicle is towed, call Campus Police at 757.226.2075.
Parking violations are $50 for first-time offenders and $75 for second-time offenders. Parking in a disabled spot without proper clearance will result in a $150 fine. All fines must be paid to the University Business Office within 30 days of the violation. If not paid within the designated time, the parking violation will increase by $25. For students who violate the policy, the fine will be applied to their student account.
After a parking violation has been served, any further violation will result in other action (such as a ticket, wheel clamp or tow). Regent University reserves the right to revoke parking privileges from any faculty, staff, or students who violate this policy and put a wheel clamp on or tow your vehicle if it is parked in an undesignated area, regardless of whether you have previously received a ticket or not.
Should a violation be issued while a vehicle is parked on campus after being approved by Parking Services, a Violation Appeal Form may be submitted within seven days of ticket issuance. Campus Police will review the Appeal Form and promptly notify the vehicle owner of its response. All decisions are final.